There are a variety of unique and unusual insurance policies available around the world that cover everything from alien abduction to being struck by lightning.

These policies may seem odd or unnecessary, but they serve a purpose for those who believe they are at risk or want peace of mind.

Abduction Insurance

One unusual insurance policy is alien abduction insurance. This policy is intended for individuals who believe they may be at risk of being abducted by extraterrestrial beings.

The policy typically covers expenses related to therapy and counseling, as well as lost wages and other financial damages related to the abduction.

Hangover Insurance

Another unusual policy is the so-called "Hangover Insurance" which is popular in Japan, it covers medical expenses incurred as a result of a hangover, such as headaches, nausea, and vomiting.

The policy is typically offered to people who work in the service industry, such as bartenders and waiters, who are more likely to consume alcohol while on the job.

Act of God

Another interesting policy is "Act of God" coverage, which insures against natural disasters such as earthquakes, hurricanes, and floods.

This type of policy is becoming increasingly popular in areas that are prone to natural disasters. It can also include coverage for damage caused by volcanic eruptions, tsunamis, and meteor strikes.

Terrorism Insurance

"Terrorism insurance" is another unique policy that is becoming more prevalent in today's world. This type of policy covers damages caused by acts of terrorism, including property damage, loss of income, and medical expenses.

It can also provide coverage for businesses that may be forced to shut down as a result of a terrorist attack.

Betting Policy

"Lloyd's of London" is an insurance market that offers a variety of unusual and unique policies. One of the most popular policies offered by Lloyd's is the "Betting Policy," which covers professional gamblers against financial losses due to a losing streak.

Kidnap and Ransom

Another unusual policy offered by Lloyd's is the "Kidnap and Ransom" policy. This policy covers the cost of ransom payments, as well as expenses incurred during the kidnapping, such as the cost of hiring a private investigator or negotiating with kidnappers.

Accidental Death Insurance

Lastly, "Accidental Death Insurance" is one of the most common and well-known policies, but it's also one of the most bizarre.

This type of policy covers financial losses due to accidental death, such as lost income and funeral expenses.

However, it can also include coverage for more unusual causes of death, such as being struck by lightning or falling out of a tree.

In conclusion, there are a variety of unique and unusual insurance policies available around the world. While some may seem odd or unnecessary, they serve a purpose for those who believe they are at risk or want peace of mind. Whether it's alien abduction or being struck by lightning, there is an insurance policy out there for just about anything.