Chief Justice Martha Koome Launched the National Council on the Administration of Justice (NCAJ) inaugural annual report in the recent past. The launch was presided over by President William Samoei Ruto.

The CJ said the committee institutionalized November as Child Justice Service Month which has raised awareness in the community of who is a child.

In her speech, Koome said that the offense of sexual violence is unacceptable following the harmful practices where young girls are being prepared for FGM and early marriages. In a feature done by Citizen Tv yesterday, it was clear that in some places like Kajiado County and specifically Oloitoktok, girls are suffering as a result of early marriages and FGM.

"In this century, we cannot have little girls doing exams in the maternity ward because at the end of the day they will be a burden to the government," said Koome.

"We have to say no to sexual and gender-based violence,"  added Koome.

The Chief Justice said they will want to know which authorities are not doing their jobs.

She further went ahead to state the establishment of a working committee to scale up investments to look at ICT across the justice.

Martha Koome said they hope the National Treasury can work on budgetary allocation specifically targeted to Information Communication and Technology for Justice sector agencies to ensure undisrupted delivery of justice.