China Square, a newly opened Chinese-owned supermarket has announced that the shop will remain closed indefinitely to allow time to sort out a number of issues.

Initially, the outlet had on Saturday said that the shop would only remain closed on Sunday but normal operations would resume on Monday.

However, in Sunday's notice, the outlet listed other issues that necessitated the indefinite closure including a shortage of tills and misleading statements about its operations

According to a notice to its clients on its official Facebook page on Sunday, the retailer said the provision of adequate security is among the issues it is going to address during the closure period.

“ We are unable to handle high volume of traffic which has become a severe concern for the public safety for all our customers, we are arranging more security guards onsite,” the retailer said.

China square has also said that they are facing a shortage of tills making their customers queue for long hours they plan to address.

“Long queues have given our customers bad shopping experiences and we are doing our best to resolve these issues within the closing down period,” China Square added.

PHOTO | COURTESY: South China Morning Post

Further, China Square has urged the public against misinterpreting the closure to mean anything else other than the stated reasons.

“ Some of the statements on the internet have been misleading people and some customers have overrated our services which has created unrealistic expectations . We need to close down and have a cooling period,” the notice read.

China Square has also affirmed that the supermarket was committed to providing the best services, inclusive of customer safety.

China Square, located at Unicity Mall, 18km (11 miles) northeast of the Kenyan capital.