Deputy President Rigathi Gachagua has assured County governments that the Treasury will disburse April monies owed to counties this week.

After chairing the 20th Intergovernmental Budget Economic Council (IBEC) meeting at his Karen residence, Gachagua revealed that the May arrears will be paid by June 19.

“We have explained to the governors the strains that the Treasury is undergoing in terms of the exchequer, and they have understood and after the negotiations we have agreed that the treasury will disbursed the fund for the month of April,” he stated.

Further, the Deputy President noted that Treasury is working to raise money for June before the end of the fiscal year.

Gachagua revealed that counties have received Kes305 billion, with Kes94 billion still owed for the three months leading up to June.

“On the status of cash disbursement; the amount disbursed is sh.305.25B, and the outstanding amount is sh.94.35B, for the months of April, May and June,” he said.

The DP stated that governors in the IBEC meeting agreed that all outstanding bills would be resolved within the following two weeks.

 “Pending bills were defined as valid invoices properly delivered and outstanding at the end of a financial year. Ineligible pending bills cannot be expunged from pending bills until the proposed committee sits and decides,” Gachagua said.

He continued by saying that the agreement had been fulfilled in that the county chiefs had been granted the freedom to check their invoices and make payment arrangements for the time being.

He stated that an additional week will be set aside for interaction and discussion between the counties and the Controller (COB) to reach a consensus on important matters about the laws.