The Ethics and Anti-Corruption Commission (EACC) has recovered Kes11,493,000 stolen from a training centre in Uasin Gishu County by the institution's former principal, his wife and a former District Accountant.

According to the Anti-graft body, the three have withdrawn the amount in three months.

The former principal, who had not, at the time, not handed a signatory role to the school's new principal, continued to make withdrawals.

"Investigations established that between 23rd February 2017 and 19th May 2017, the Principal and District Accountant in abuse of their authority as signatories to the college bank account conspired and embezzled all the funds in the subject account to the tune of Kes 11,493,000," EACC said.

"The Principal and District Accountant executed the fraud through various cheques drawn in their favour and in favour of four (4) business entities associated with them, which did not supply anything to the institution."

One of the entities, according to EACC, belonged to the previous principal, and the other three to the District Accountant.

Sitting at Milimani Law Courts in Nairobi, Justice Esther Maina ruled that the three parties involved must repay the government the money that was taken together with 12% annual interest from the day the theft happened in 2017.

Following receipt of a complaint on November 7, 2017, from the county secretary for Uasin Gishu at the time, alleging an unauthorised withdrawal of cash, EACC filed the case on September 19, 2019, as a result.