The government has established a solid plan that will see production increase from 5.2 billion litres to 10 billion litres a year.

President William Ruto has argued that milk is one of Kenya's highest influencers of income, generating at least Kes 200 billion a year.

Speaking during the commissioning of the Modernised Kenya Co-operative Creameries Kiganjo Factory in Kiganjo, Nyeri County, on Tuesday, Ruto explained that the Government will modernise Kenya Cooperative Creameries plants and install milk coolers countrywide so that more milk can be processed.

“We want to fetch more from value-added milk. Our farmers are not thriving because they have been selling raw milk,” he said.

He said the Country has enough facilities to create powder and long-life milk to ensure the surplus milk does not go to waste.

The President noted that farmers will be at the centre and front of the new plan to give the sector a new lease of life.

“We will also rid the market of brokers so that farmers can earn maximum returns from their milk.”

Other measures mentioned by President Ruto include the elimination of import taxes on animal feed, especially yellow maize, and a decrease in the price of sperm.

Subsidised fertilisers, according to him, will be important in raising the output of animal feeds.

The President further directed KCC to reduce costs borne by the farmers to boost their earnings.