President William Ruto has affirmed that the country expects sixty-one million bags of maize in the 2023 harvest season, an increase from last year's 44 million.

Speaking on Thursday in Kiambu Town, the head of state has attributed the results to the government’s intervention that saw fertilizer prices fall from Kes 7,000 to Kes 3,500, farmers from across the country cultivated 200, 000 more acres which he says has led to improved food production.

Ruto noted that this year’s increased crop yields demonstrate that his government is on the right trajectory in its quest to lower food prices in the country.

“Last year, we harvested 44 million bags because farmers could not afford high fertilizer costs at the time. This year, however, due to the intervention measures we have put in place, including subsidizing fertilizer costs, we expect the harvest to increase from 44 million bags to 61 million bags,” Ruto said.

Ruto said that the government will distribute an extra 3 million bags of fertiliser the following year, bringing the total distribution to 6.5 million, in addition to the 3.5 million bags given to farmers this year.

He advised farmers across to sign up for the programme if they haven't already in order to take advantage of its benefits.

The Head of State expressed concern for the nation's current level of food security while reassuring the public that his administration is committed to improving it

“We must address the issue of hunger in our country once and for all. It is deeply regrettable that some of our countrymen and women are still sleeping hungry 60 years after independence,” Ruto said.

Further, Ruto commended farmers for their efforts in contributing towards attaining food security in the country.

On August 2, President Ruto announced the second phase of the fertilizer subsidy program, which will see a 50-kg bag of fertilizer now cost Kes 2,500, down from Kes 3,500.

Addressing the nation at the Statehouse in Nairobi, Ruto said affordable fertilizer will boost crop production in the coming short rain season.