A Kenyan delegation led by State Department of Performance and Delivery of Services Principal Secretary (PS) Njoki Wang’ombe visited Bolt Headquarters in Tallinn, Estonia, to deliberate on possible partnerships in the mobility sector.

The delegation visited the headquarters while attending the Open Government Partnership (OGP) Global Summit.

Bolt presented its micro-mobility solutions, such as e-scooters and e-bikes, making cities better for locals.

Bolt Founder Martin Villig noted that the meeting showed that the company’s vision for better cities is aligned with what the government aims to achieve in Kenya.

“We are committed to forging strong partnerships that support local communities, drive economic growth, and enhance the quality of life for all urban citizens,” Villig said.

Further, he revealed that they discussed how to bring more sustainable vehicles to the streets in Kenya and adapt the local infrastructure to the needs of the future of mobility.

This comes after Villig and Bolt’s global leadership visited Kenya and South Africa early this year, meeting top government representatives. It announced plans to invest €500 million for operations on the continent in the next two years.

The funds will expand Bolt services in Africa, creating work opportunities for over 300,000 new drivers and couriers in 2023.

“The Kenyan government continues to work together towards our national development goals, by building partnerships with forward-thinking industry leaders like Bolt,” PS Wang’ombe said.