Kenyatta University in partnership with Kodris Africa has unveiled a coding program for teachers to enhance teaching of coding and computational thinking in Kenyan primary and secondary schools.

Kenyatta University Vice Chancellor, Pro. Paul K. Wanaina, revealed that short courses will focus on providing teachers a solid understanding of the fundamental concepts of coding.

 As well as the tools and techniques needed to teach it effectively in the classroom.

“Kenyatta University is the first University to get this coding program in Kenya and will start working with Teachers Service Commission (TSC) and the Kenya Institute of Curriculum Development (KICD), to help teachers sharpen skills,” said Wainaina.

Further, Wainaina affirmed that the purpose of the program is to align teachers with necessary tools to equip them with more knowledge in turn cascade it to pupils and students.

On his part, Kodris Africa CEO, Mr. Mugumo Munene, disclosed that Kenya is the first country to undertake this step and therefore clarified that they are leaders in this market and have an opportunity to even export to other countries in Africa.

The CEO affirmed their commitment to demystify coding and deliver addition to the value of education to even enable learners to create an impact from this skill. Coding can change the world, he continued, and it’s now part of the global active economy.