Kipruto Arap Kirwa, former MP from Cherangany has provided a comprehensive analysis of the political landscape, suggesting that a coalition of support from the Akamba community and the Mount Kenya region could be pivotal in securing the presidency.

In an interview with TV47, Kirwa discussed the recent tensions between President William Ruto and his deputy, Rigathi Gachagua. He argued that the spate of attacks against Gachagua was no coincidence but rather a deliberate attempt to tarnish the Deputy President's reputation.

Kirwa declared unequivocally, "The DP is being deliberately targeted in order to diminish his reputation." He went further, implying that these actions could not take place without the tacit sanction of higher authorities, thereby insinuating a planned effort to undermine Gachagua's credibility.

Kirwa emphasized the importance of respecting the Deputy President's position and cautioned against the potential repercussions if Gachagua were to succumb to the pressure and step down.