Residents assert they are completely in the dark about the circumstances surrounding the murders, even though two of the security guards were purportedly killed in close proximity to a bank under police protection.

In Migori town, three night security guards were tragically found dead on Saturday morning under puzzling circumstances.

All three victims were found with severe injuries to their necks and heads, suggesting they were attacked with a blunt object. Shockingly, one of the bodies was found discarded in River Migori.

Community members have voiced their anger and are directing blame towards the police, alleging that they have not been vigilant enough in conducting night patrols.

The murders have deeply unsettled the community, with many expressing fear and concern over the worsening security situation in the town. They are urgently calling upon Interior Cabinet Secretary Prof. Kithure Kindiki to step in and address the issue.

Despite two of the watchmen purportedly being killed in close proximity to a bank under police watch, locals remain baffled, as they have no clear understanding of how the murders transpired.

This marks the second occurrence of such a tragic incident in Migori, with the prior incident taking place in February of this year. During a violent robbery, another watchman lost his life, resulting in the theft of 18 motorcycles and 30 mobile phones from a local shop.