Environment Cabinet Secretary Soipan Tuya has gone to court seeking Ksh.425,000 from her ex-husband for school fees and maintenance for their two children.

The CS also seeks court orders barring her ex-husband from seeing her children or attending school. According to the court records, "an order compelling the respondent to pay 50% of school fees..."


Tuya claims in a certificate of urgency that she, her children, and domestic staff have been living in fear because of Stephen Saibulu Kudate's aggressive character.

According to the court documents, The respondent relentlessly treats the applicant, their children, and the applicant's domestic workers cruelly and has been psychologically, emotionally, and verbally abused.

In court papers, the Cabinet Secretary alleges that Kudate endangers her health, her children's health, and domestic staff's health.


She now requests that the court make orders for actual care and control of the two youngsters, and if the court declines, she requests that Kudate be granted limitations and monitored visitation rights to the two minors.

According to court documents, the two began cohabiting on December 21, 2013 and were in a relationship until October 2020, when they broke up. She states that Kudate left her house and returned with his wife.


"The plaintiff and the defendants hence lived separately, their association having been frustrated and brought to a quick end by the continuous refusal of the defendant to take responsibility towards upkeep and maintenance of the minor children as well as various incidences of violence, abuse and infidelity by the defendant," according to the court papers.

Tuya also claims that the defendant has failed and refused to pay any share of school fees and school-related expenses towards the children since the beginning of the relationship and breakup, despite being able to meet the costs.

“It is as a result of the defendant's failure to pay any shares of school fees, upkeep, abuse and infidelity that the plaintiff seeks this court's intervention on matters custody, care and control of the children,” Tuya claims.