The Mamboleo slaughterhouse is set to be renovated by the Kisumu county government following an investigation by the county assembly on its status after safety concerns were raised.

This follows an invitation for tenders for the renovation of the slaughterhouse that stated that it intends to use part of its budget allocations to undertake the renovations.

The advert signed by the city manager Abala Wanga invited eligible qualified bidders to submit their bids for the tender.

Before the advert, a team from the Kisumu city department led by Abala visited the Mamboleo slaughterhouse to assess its status and concerns before any action is taken.

This came about after the Kisumu county assembly investigated the status of the abattoir in Mamboleo after Kajulu MCA Ben Adega said it is in a deplorable state.

Adega said the slaughterhouse lacks basic sanitation facilities.

“The equipment and machines have not been repaired in a long time, leaving several metal parts hanging off the rails in precarious situations,” he said.

The MCA said the water tanks at the facility are leaking and the unfenced compound has been encroached upon by private developers.

Adega wanted to know the plans of the Kisumu city department to restore operations at the facility.

He wanted the facility to have an adequate and consistent supply of water and improved sanitation services.

Others are fencing and reclaiming parts of land lost to encroachment by private developers and general repairs and maintenance of machines and equipment within the facility.