Early Monday morning, officers from the elite General Service Unit (GSU) descended on the office of Kisii Governor Simba Arati at Gusii Stadium, becoming the center of attention.

In remarks to the press, the Governor conveyed his worries and hinted at a planned plot to have him arrested.

"I was instructed not to enter my office, as GSU officers were strategically stationed at every stadium entry point. I have done no wrong, and if this was indeed part of an ongoing investigation, I would have expected the Directorate of Criminal Investigations (DCI) and Ethics and Anti-Corruption Commission (EACC) to be leading the charge," he stated.

He blamed his backing of a boda boda Sacco and his steadfast dedication to fighting corruption in the county for the probable arrest.

"During his election campaign, President William Ruto promised to address the concerns of bodaboda riders. The establishment of the Sacco under my supervision was a fulfillment of that promise. What better contribution could I have made?" Arati questioned.

Additionally, he protested the sudden closure of the Bodaboda offices of the Kisii municipality, which he felt was inaccurately depicted as a hub for criminal activity.

"I demand to know who dispatched GSU officers from Kisumu to this location. Whom do they intend to apprehend?" he demanded.

The incident transpired after Arati disclosed that he had obtained information indicating a possible nighttime raid on his home. But he added that he wished that any such raid would take place during the daytime hours for the security forces.

"This is no playground for officers to leisurely occupy. If I had found them stationed at one location that would be one thing. However, their deployment seemed more suited for a battlefield," the Governor stated.

To make matters worse, Arati was upset that top county security officials—such as County Commissioner Tom Anjere—had not explained the reason behind the GSU officers' visit to his offices.