President William Ruto on Tuesday stated that genuine public sector pending bills will be the first items to be charged in the Government budget.

Speaking at State House in Nairobi when he presided over the inauguration of the Pending Bills Verification Committee, he noted that it is time the Government sorted out the sticky issue in a just and fair manner.

The Head of State said that it is not the business of the Government to drive enterprises to ruin but to facilitate their performance.

“We must restore confidence in the people who do business with the Government by paying them in time,” he said.

Further, he noted that the move will stimulate economic revival by pumping back the much-needed capital in production.

According to President Ruto, the Government owes its suppliers, mostly small and medium-sized enterprises, more than Kes 600 billion.

“When we pay in time, we will bring discipline in our country’s fiscal management.”