Taking to social media, digital strategist Dennis Itumbi sensationally claimed ODM leader Raila Odinga's company was linked to some dirty oil businesses during the handshake period with Jubilee government.

Itumbi contends that Raila's report on the fuel agreement between the Kenya Kwanza government and Saudi Arabia stemmed from his purported bitterness over missing out on the oil deal.

Former Prime Minister Raila Odinga's family reportedly has a stake in the oil industry.

In the course of the Handshake era, they reportedly ousted a significant ally from one of the oil companies, and currently, they exert full control.

Itumbi contended that the Odinga family's involvement in the oil business influenced his criticism of the government's decision.

According to Itumbi, the Government-to-Government (G2G) deal proved advantageous for Kenya but curtailed the substantial profits that the Odinga family reportedly secured through the Open Tender System.

Before the press conference, there was an attempt to blackmail the government.

Despite the effort to intimidate the government, the ministry remained confident and steadfast, asserting that the deal was conducted transparently and adhered to proper procedures.

"Former PM Raila Odinga family has an interest in the oil business. During the Handshake period, they kicked out a key ally from one of the oil companies, and now they are fully in control. The G to G deal gave Kenya a great deal, but denied the Odinga's massive profit they used to bag in the Open Tender System. Before the Press Conference, an attempt was made to blackmail Government. The ministry was confident and sure the deal was above board, stood its ground. Did the Odinga's put in a bid? Are they demanding some pay from Govt? A full Hustler Nation Intelligence Bureau ( HNIB) to follow," stated Itumbi. Nevertheless, Kenyans rejected Itumbi's accusations, accusing him of disseminating baseless claims against the ODM leader. In a robust statement, the former prime minister criticized leaders of the K

"Former PM Raila Odinga family has an interest in the oil business.

During the Handshake period, they kicked out a key ally from one of the oil companies, and now they are fully in control.

The G to G deal gave Kenya a great deal, but denied the Odinga's massive profit they used to bag in the Open Tender System.

Before the Press Conference, an attempt was made to blackmail Government.

The ministry was confident and sure the deal was above board, stood its ground.

Did the Odinga's put in a bid? Are they demanding some pay from Govt?

 A full Hustler Nation Intelligence Bureau ( HNIB) to follow," stated Itumbi.

Nevertheless, Kenyans rejected Itumbi's accusations, accusing him of disseminating baseless claims against the ODM leader.

In a robust statement, the former prime minister criticized leaders of the Kenya Kwanza government for causing an increase in fuel prices.

Contrarily, on his Facebook page, Itumbi asserted that the ODM leader's discontent stemmed from his company losing business following President William Ruto's administration's choice to pursue a government-to-government deal.

A portion of Kenyan citizens deemed Itumbi's assertions as a tactic by the government to deflect attention from the actual issue of high fuel costs.

Certain individuals proposed that Raila should be permitted to import fuel if it would alleviate Kenyans from the ongoing fuel price crisis.