Forty-nine couples on Saturday tied the knot in a mass wedding held at Chelelemuk Parish Catholic Church in Teso North subcounty.

Bungoma Catholic Diocese Bishop Mark Kadima presided over the second mass wedding in the sub-county, also attended by Chelelemuk Parish Catholic priest Bernard Famba.

More than 100 couples had been lined up to take marriage vows, but only 49 made it to the altar to stand before Bishop Kadima to fulfill the holy sacrament of marriage.

Deafening screams filled the air as couple after the couple took vows before implanting wedding rings on the ring fingers of their respective partners.

Chelelemuk Catholic Church compound was filled during the event.

“Love and respect one another and the Almighty God will bless your marriages,” the Bishop said.

The first mass wedding in the parish was conducted on November 26, 2022,, in which 61 couples wed in Teso North’s historic mass wedding.

The first-of-its-kind ceremony was also presided over by Kadim.

Organizers of the two ceremonies said they were meant to ensure more couples in Chelelemuk Parish in Teso North fulfill their matrimonial sacrament as stipulated in the Bible.

The choir from Chelelemuk Parish Catholic Church entertained the guests in attendance.

Kadima lauded couples for their commitment and assured them of support from the church in their marriage life.