Trans Nzoia Governor George Natembeya has been summoned by the National Cohesion and Integration Commission (NCIC) in response to allegations of promoting ethnic contempt against the minority Sabaot community.

The summons follow accusations that Natembeya encouraged the Sabaot community to be satisfied with their current leadership positions within the county government, dissuading them from seeking the establishment of a separate county.

Allegations against Natembeya also involve purported targeted hate messages directed at his Deputy, Philomena Kapkory, who hails from the minority Sabaot community.

In his response to reporters on Tuesday, November 21, Natembeya expressed his readiness to cooperate with the summons.

“Anybody summoning me I will go. I know that they will say I have pride and will not go, but I will go. Even if they take me before an Assistant Chief I will still go. I will look in the eye those who say that I am inciteful because my history is known,” said Natembeya.

Yet, Obed Mwale, the Member of County Assembly (MCA) for Matisi Ward, expressed opposition to the summons. Mwale accused NCIC Chairperson Samwel Kobia of succumbing to political influences.

Mwale called on the NCIC to avoid being instrumentalized for political agendas, emphasizing the importance of maintaining independent leadership to facilitate development.

“I want to send a message to the Chairperson of the NCIC. It is about time you stopped being used by politicians to drive political agendas. They should not be used to drive political agendas to intimidate politicians; instead, they should let leaders work independently so that our people can get development,” he said.

Likewise, residents of Trans Nzoia rallied behind Governor Natembeya, standing in defense of his integrity and expressing their opposition to the NCIC summons.

“We are opposing that summoning because we know that the governor is a hardworking man. Ever since we got devolution, Trans Nzoia has not been seen anywhere. All we want is for our county to be seen,” one resident said.

The context of this summons traces back to an earlier NCIC summoning of the Governor, prompted by reports from his deputy governor, Philomenah Bineah Kapkory, concerning threats directed at her related to her official duties.

Kapkory linked the challenges she faced to the Sabaot community's advocacy for a separate county, a proposal that Governor Natembeya opposed.

"He further went on to state that not even an inch of Trans Nzoia would be hived off to form another county, insinuating that the Sabaot are greedy," read part of the statement to the NCIC by Kapkory.

Natembeya is slated to appear before the commission on November 28, 2023, for an interrogation session.