12 more people have lost their lives to floods since Friday last week, bringing the total deaths to 154 in the country so far.

Further, 472,000 people have been displaced, and floods have destroyed several infrastructures.

On Monday morning, River Voi burst its banks, leaving at least five thousand families in Msambweni, Tanzania, and Kaloleni areas in Voi, Taita Taveta County, stranded and displaced after submerging their homes and sweeping away their property.

Some locals were stuck in their homes with nowhere to go as the water levels rose, with four people dead and several others have been reported missing.

In Migori County, a boat ferrying six people capsized in River Migori at Osiri Matanda in Nyatike. A woman died after drowning in the raging waters while divers were able to rescue five people.

The area chief says rescue efforts to retrieve the body of the woman who died in the floods are ongoing.

So far, eleven people have lost their lives in Migori County.

 Locals appeal to the government to erect a bridge across the river with more than five hundred families displaced in Nyatike constituency Migori County.

Elsewhere, the Garsen-Witu-Lamu road remains closed due to floods in the region.

The closure resulted from the Tana River overflowing after the heavy rains in the region led to the breakage of banks, submerging a section of the road.