The government spokeperson Isaac Mwaura has confirmed that five people have died as a result of the ongoing floods caused by the El-Nino rains raising the death toll across the country to 165.

Further, 107,843 households have so far been affected, whereas 539,215 Kenyans have been displaced.

“In the last 24 hours, 5 deaths have been reported raising the flood related toll to 165 deaths. We send our sincere condolences and sympathies to grieving families and urge Kenyans to remain vigilant,” he said.

Mwaura stated that Taita Taveta ,Migori,and Meru counties are currently the worst affected with Lamu and Tana River counties likely to join the list of worst affected countries due to the floods which are expected to continue according to the Kenya Meteorological Department.

“Flood water continues to flow downstream and shall affect the two counties putting them on high alert,” he noted.

Additionally, he said that those affected should comply with the alerts and cooperate in an event of evacuation in order to avert more deaths and injuries.

According to Mwaura, the government has created 11 more additional camps, 5 in Tana River,Kilifi(4) and Lamu county (2) in order to accommodate the displaced citizens.

When evaluating the effects of the floods in Lamu County, Mwaura found that the floods had destroyed three schools, including the primary schools in Faza, Rehema, and Safirisi, as well as four roads, eighty-three homesteads, and three bridges.

In addition, Mwaura stated that during the current rescue operations in the county, five police officers were saved from Sailon village and eighty residents were moved to safer regions.

 However, she also mentioned that important routes are still unusable, which makes it difficult to reach the affected areas and impedes relief efforts.

“A total 1,770 acres of farmlands is submerged in Hindi ward, another 2,100 acres of crop land destroyed in Bahari ward, 5,400 acres in Mkunumbi ward, 6,382 acres marooned in Hongwe ward, 26,731 acres under production destroyed in Witu ward, and 495 acres destroyed in Basuba ward,” he noted.