The United Nations Security Council accepted a demand from the DR Congo government to begin a year-earlier withdrawal of UN forces.

The resolution, which extends the peacekeeping mission's mandate in DRC for another year, contains plans for peacekeepers to leave South Kivu province by the end of April.


Despite UN concerns about unrest in the country's east, the drawdown is occurring.

The huge and poor Democratic Republic of the Congo (DR Congo) will hold high-risk presidential and legislative elections on Wednesday, coinciding with the end of the annual term of the UN peacekeeping operation known as Monusco.

Despite a turbulent domestic environment, the Congolese government has been asking for an earlier withdrawal of UN forces, beginning in 2023 rather than 2024. It regards the UN troops as ineffectual in defending civilians from the armed groups and militias that have terrorized the eastern DRC for three decades.


The claim is identical to one made by several African countries, most notably Mali, which has asked that the UN Minusma mission leave immediately.

Several Council members, most notably the United States, have expressed misgivings recently about DRC troops' readiness to replace Monusco and provide population security.

However, because UN operations cannot operate without the permission of host countries, the DRC pressed the Security Council's hand – albeit with less force than Mali.

"Members of this council will be watching very closely as the DRC government looks to assume full responsibility for the protection of its civilians as Monusco draws down," said Robert Wood, United States Deputy Ambassador to the UN.


The Council voted to "initiate the gradual, responsible, and sustainable withdrawal" of the mission in accordance with a withdrawal plan agreed to by Kinshasa and Monusco in November.

The first phase entails the departure of peacekeepers from South Kivu province by the end of April 2024, with the process starting "before the end of 2023," according to the resolution seen by AFP ahead of the vote.

Zenon Ngay Mukongo, the DRC's ambassador to the UN, spoke briefly to thank the council.

Monusco will be present only in North Kivu and Ituri beginning in May 2024. From a maximum authorised strength of over 13,800 military and police personnel, its strength will be decreased by around 2,350 individuals beginning July 1.


The Council expects an evaluation report on the first phase by the end of June 2024, which will determine further withdrawal.

Since 1999, a UN peacekeeping mission has been stationed in the country. For several years, the Security Council has been gradually disengaging, establishing broad limits for transferring responsibility to Congolese forces, to begin withdrawals by 2024.