Two men were arrested by police in Juja for kidnapping a woman and stealing Ksh.645,000 from her.

Laban Chomba Muthini and Peter Mugera Maburi are accused of robbing the woman, blindfolding her, and abandoning her at Githingiri Estate in Murang'a County on Saturday.


According to a statement issued by the Directorate of Criminal Investigations on Wednesday, the suspects were apprehended after the victim filed a police report.

According to the woman, her attackers were three people, two men and a woman, who approached her on the roadside and whisked her into their vehicle before robbing her of the aforementioned amount.

"Reporting her ordeal, the female victim narrated to police how the said vehicle occupied by two men and a woman had pulled over beside her on the morning of December 16, and one of the men flung the door open forcing her to board lest she got seriously injured," she said in her report.

PHOTO | COURTESY police line

“Once inside, she was blindfolded and ordered to give her mobile money and bank account PINs where over Ksh.585,000 was withdrawn and transferred to six registered lines, and another Ksh.80,000 in cash stolen from her purse.”

According to the DCI, the woman complied with the assailants' demands, which resulted in the suspects throwing her out of the vehicle in Murang'a.

"Having cooperated and pleading for dear life, she was thrown out of the vehicle at 8 pm that night, where good Samaritans helped her to Samuru police station where she formally reported before the case was referred to the Operations team," the deputy chief of police (DCI) stated.

Following the duo's arrest, the DCI claims that an ID parade was held, during which the victim positively identified the two defendants.

The pair were subsequently arraigned before a magistrate at Kiambu Law Courts, and the detectives were granted detention orders to conclude their investigations.