Wiper party leader Kalonzo Musyoka has hinted at running for the presidential seat in the 2027 General Election, saying it would not be an option for him to shelve his ambitions for any other candidate again.

In an interview with NTV, Kalonzo expressed optimism that he would be backed by his Azimio la Umoja One Kenya coalition party co-principals in the race to State House.

He also said that missing out on the ballot would mean his retirement from politics.

Although he remained reticent on whether Raila Odinga, the leader of the alliance, would resign and withdraw his candidature, Kalonzo reaffirmed his willingness to be on the vote by referencing earlier surveys in which he had endorsed the former premier's campaign.

“If I was ready in 2002, 2013 why do you think I will not be ready in 2027? The right time has come for this country to recognize a leader they have always rejected. I have played the team…I have selflessly supported others. If the country is ready for it, I will go for it,” he said.

“Giving up my presidential ambitions will actually mean I go home. We are at the tail-end of a process which should deliver this country. Azimio will give (President William) Ruto a strong candidate this time round.”

Kalonzo continued, claiming that all political signs pointed to him seeking the nation's top office in 2027. He cited an instance in which President Ruto mentioned his name as a possible rival.

He further hinted at his candidature by bringing up comments he had made in the past in which he compared President Ruto's early campaigns for the previous administration to his own 2027 campaign.

“At this time, the stars are aligned and the whole country is saying it. You may not be shocked when Ruto who calls me his bigger brother says he will support me,” he stated.

“I believe in consultations and I said it publicly that mapema ndio best, even during the campaigns I said that if there is one thing I learnt from William Ruto is that from 2013 after they took over from Jubilee, he set his eyes on 2022 and started campaigning...poor Uhuru Kenyatta could not handle him.”

However, he noted that the Azimio faction is currently in public consultation and will shortly make its candidate known.

In response to questions about whether he would be compelled to back Odinga, who has also alluded to a sixth attempt at winning the presidency, Kalonzo emphasized that the coalition remained cohesive by stating,

 "Raila is a very astute leader; I know Raila Odinga, he knows me. We'll follow the same path. Unless the devil steps in, we'll follow Raila Odinga's path; you never know. This partnership is truly put to the test.”