Police officers in Siaya County are looking for a man who drowned in river Yala.

According to police, the 20-year-old guy drowned in the River Yala in what appears to be a suicide attempt.

Anthony Ochieng', is alleged to have left home with the intention of taking a bath in the river.

PHOTO | COURTESY police line

"He was spotted along the river bank in Dienya East, in Gem Wagai sub county," the police said.

The incident was reported by a citizen, according to Siaya County Police Commander Cleti Kimaiyo.

"The witness was on opposite side of the river when Ochieng' reportedly threw himself into the raging waters."

Witnesses tried to call for help, according to Kimaiyo, but Ochieng' was quickly swept away.

Officers from Wagai police station responded to the area and are heading the search for the deceased's body.