According to official reports, four people have been killed and 40 hospitalized after consuming tainted alcohol in southern Tunisia.

Medenine Court Spokesman, Fethi Baccouche says an inquiry has been opened and the person who supplied the alcohol has been arrested.

According to AFP, an analysis of the alcohol is underway to determine what was behind the mass poisoning.

Of the 40 surviving victims, most left hospital but some were transferred to the capital Tunis for treatment, Baccouche said, without providing exact numbers.

In Tunisia, poisonings from tainted or improperly prepared alcohol are frequent and frequently deadly.
Following the use of tainted beer, the health officials of Tunisia reported in 2021 that five people had died and twenty-five others had been hospitalized in Kasserine, in the country's west.
Furthermore, 39 persons who drank methanol close to Kairouan in May 2020 became poisoned—six of them died.
In certain working-class neighborhoods of Tunis and in outlying areas of the nation with significant rates of poverty, homemade alcohol is frequently consumed.
The illegal alcohol is frequently far less expensive than what is sold in stores.