Jackson Irungu, widely recognized as Jaffar Jackson, has passed away. The Kenyan stylist lost his life on Sunday, January 7, due to complications arising from a stomach infection.

Actress Lydia Gitachu shared the heartbreaking news on social media.

Actress Nice Githinji also informed fellow celebrities about the death, stating they were notified by a neighbor.


“Jackson was suffering from a stomach infection. We found out he was hospitalized yesterday. I spoke to him and his uncle who raised money for the medication prescribed. Kuamkia this morning (January 7), Lydia Gitachu had posted about his demise after being contacted by a neighbour,” actress Nice Githinji updated Jaffar’s celebrity friends in a fundraising WhatsApp group.

Jaffar's family has officially announced that the funeral is set to be held on January 18 at Langata Cemetery.

Identifying himself as a Stylist, Choreographer Extraordinaire, Wardrobe Consultant, and an Art Lover, Jackson left a multifaceted impact.

Some of his fans have expressed their condolences on social media to mourn his passing.

Melanie Woods: I was woken up yesterday with the news that you were gone. I didn’t want to believe it. We just spoke just before the New Year. You were starting a new job on the tenth. I went to our messages to see if you had sent me a message that I had missed or if indeed it was just a dream. I was angry, so angry I gave myself a headache. I still can’t talk about just how angry I am. You shouldn’t be gone but you are. Know you were loved Jaffar Jackson. My heart is broken.