Chief Justice Martha Koome has stated that the Judicial Service Commission(JSC) is ready to process complaints against judicial officers.

Speaking on Friday during the handing over ceremony of Chief Registrar of Judiciary Anne Amadi, Koome termed the public humiliation of judges as unacceptable.

This is in response to growing criticism against judges amid attacks by President William Ruto, who has accused some judges of corruption.

 “The commission will only act on the basis of evidence and not blanket statements or allegations that have not been substantiated. Doing otherwise will mean an overthrow of the Constitution and the rule of law,” said Koome.

Further, she insisted that the judiciary will not be coerced while giving directives.

“The discharge of the rule of law will only be subject to the Constitution and we (judges) will do this without any fear of contradiction or favour,” she said.

 Ruto has repeatedly accused state and judicial officers loyal to the previous regime of working to sabotage key policies in his government.

His attacks on the judiciary, particularly a section of judges in the High Court, came after the Constitutional Court dealt a blow to the housing programme after declaring the Housing Levy unconstitutional for being discriminatory.