The National Biosafety Authority has announced that Commercial firms will be required to pay Kes 850,000 to place genetically modified organisms (GMOs) in the market if a new proposal is passed.

The Authority says that the new rates will also apply to those renewing environmental approvals after the expiration of 10 years.

“The Act requires the Authority to prescribe fees for the services it offers. In this regard, the Authority has prepared a schedule of the proposed fees, which is available at: In line with the requirements of the law, the Authority is conducting public participation on the proposed fees,” the authority said in an advert posted on local dailies today.

“Members of the public are invited to submit their comments within 21 days from the date of this notice for consideration.“

Likewise, to obtain genome editing authorization for study, non-commercial players must spend Kes 170,000.

Application fees of Kes 40,000 per shipment will apply for the transit of GMOs or anything derived from them via Kenya.

Likewise, Kes 30,000 will be required to register and license GMO manufacture, packaging, and storage, among other activities.