Chief Justice Martha Koome has announced that all courts in Kenya will be automated by March 11 this year to ensure digital inclusion for the vulnerable in society.

During a meeting with Heads of Mission and Development Partners on Tuesday, she said that desks and assisted service stations will be introduced nationwide, enabling self-represented litigants to utilize e-filing and participate in virtual courts.

“By March 11th, our goal is to automate courts across the entire country,” she said.

Further, she revealed that Trauma Informed Sexual and Gender Based Violence (SGBV) and Children’s Courts have been rolled out across the country due to the surge in Femicide Cases.

 Koome stated that these are part of firm measures to eliminate femicide.

She also said the Judiciary will expand the deployment of small claims courts and courts of petty sessions to address minor, civil, and criminal issues swiftly.

In addition to ensuring that we have courts stations within the reach of every citizen, we are also rolling out more claim courts and courts of petty session to hear and resolve minor, civil and criminal matters promptly,” Koome said.

Her sentiments come after a revelation by the Directorate of Criminal Investigations (DCI) that a total of 94 cases of killings of women and girls were reported between 2021 and 2024.

DCI boss Mohamed Amin stated that of these, 65 suspects have been arraigned in various courts across the country in connection with the murders.

Speaking on Tuesday, Amin directed a team of specially trained investigators from the DCI’s Homicide Directorate to expedite investigations into serious sexual offenses and murder incidents involving women.

Amin said the move aims to put an end to what he described as the worrying trend of femicide in the country.

“These killings have cast a dark shadow over our safety and security endeavors; we must put this menace to end with remarkable speed and finality,” he said.

Amin said that a team comprising criminal intelligence analysts and forensic experts, will also partner with other stakeholders to develop swift and comprehensive preventive strategies to address the violation of human rights.

The DCI boss further appealed to members the public to volunteer any information that could aid in investigations or assist in apprehension of perpetrators of femicide and violence against women through the toll-free DCI hotline 0800722203.