Traders in the Tangakona market in the Nambale district of Busia County have taken to the streets to protest the market's conditions.

According to the traders, the market is in a very bad condition with no water access, and there are fears of a looming pandemic.

PHOTO | COURTESY Nambale market

They say that despite paying taxes, the market is not maintained, and they do not have access to clean water.

“Apart from the filth and garbage which is scattered in the market, the toilets are not functional and there is nowhere to dispose of waste,” one of the traders said.

The market, which includes food vendors, offers a health danger to individuals buying food because sewage flows through it.

PHOTO | COURTESY Busia traders 

Traders have now decided not to pay taxes unless the problem is resolved.

Agatha Simwa, a corn seller, encouraged the county to intervene immediately and rectify the issue to avoid a health crisis.