Joseph Irungu, also known as Jowie, is set to be sentenced on March 8 after being found guilty of businesswoman Monica Kimani’s murder In 2018.

"Having considered the evidence in this matter it is the finding of this court that the prosecution has adduced adequate evidence and has met the threshold.... It is the finding of this court that the first accused person murdered the deceased," ruled Justice Grace Nzioka.

In her ruling on Friday, High Court judge Justice Grace Nzioka revoked his bond terms, and he was taken into custody pending the sentencing.

On the other hand, the High Court has acquitted former Television presenter Jacque Maribe in the murder case involving Monica Kimani.

Justice Grace Nzioka found and held that the prosecution did not adduce sufficient evidence to incriminate Maribe in the murder which occurred in September 19, 2018.

“It is my considered view that the charge brought against the second accused person (Jacque Maribe) was not the proper charge,” she stated.

She was subsequently set free.

The verdict, which has faced several adjournments, including a recent delay due to Maribe’s illness, was delivered on Friday following a consent agreement reached by all parties to move it from March 15.

The judgement was initially to be issued on October 6, 2023, but it was deferred after Lady Justice Grace Nzioka was reported to be ill.

Kimani met a tragic end in 2018 when she was discovered dead at her residence in Lamuria Gardens Apartment, situated on Kitale Lane off Denis Pritt Road in Kilimani.