The family of the late Inspector Walter Nyankieya Nyamato, who died in Washington, DC, in the United States, is asking for answers on what led to the death of their son.

This came after the US government took over the inquiry, describing the situation as government-to-government and stating that the autopsy results would be conveyed to the Kenyan embassy in Washington, DC.

PHOTO | COURTESY  Inspector Walter Nyankieya Nyamato

Inspector Nyamato was Deputy Inspector General of Police Noor Gabow's assistant at the Administration Police Headquarters. He flew out of the country with nine other officers last Friday evening.

He arrived on Sunday, and the family learned two days later that he had died.

"Hao walikuwa askari kumi walikuwa wanasafiri kuenda Haiti lakini kama kawaida wao husimama either New York au Washington kwa muda kabla hawajaproceed kwenda Haiti," the deceased's father Phillip Nyamato stated.

According to the family, the party of ten had dinner together and agreed to meet early in the morning for a meeting before continuing on their journey, only to discover Inspector Nyamato's death in his hotel room after failing to join his colleagues as planned.

PHOTO | COURTESY police line

“Ati hao huko America wanatumia code wakatumia code wakafungua mlango wakapata huyo kijana yangu amelala kwa kitanda na tumbo yake,” his father added.

The father stated that they have yet to grasp what happened and that a relative in the United States could not acquire any information when American officials took over the investigations.

“Nilituma ndugu ya huyo kijana anaitwa Wyclife anakaa Minnesota, walimuelezea ya kwamba hawezi kuona mwili na hawatatoa ripoti yeyote ya post-mortem kwa sababu hii issue ni ya government-to-governemnt,” said Phillip.

“It was on Tuesday night this week when I received a call from my cousin from Nairobi and he told me the information that he has may not be a good one.” The deceased’s brother Isaac Nyamato added.

The family has been informed that the post-mortem examination results of their loved ones will be released through the Kenyan embassy in the United States.

Kin praised the late inspector as a devoted worker supporting his family and village.