The Ethics and Anti-Corruption Commission detectives have arrested Taita Taveta County Deputy Speaker Anselm Mwadime over the loss of Ksh17 million on a trip to Zanzibar.

According to an EACC statement, the deputy speaker and Taita Taveta County Assembly Clerk Gadiel Mnyambo Maganga are being investigated for the bonding trip in which the sum mentioned above of money was misused following a complaint.

PHOTO | COURTESY Taita Taveta Deputy Speaker Anselm Mwadime

"The Commission commenced investigations on the complaint and established that 1. a total amount of Kshs 17 million was utilized for the alleged trip out of which, Kshs. 9,000,000.00 (Nine million) was directly paid to the organizers for the conference and travel arrangements and the balance of Kshs. 8 Million was paid as imprest advance to 30 officers who were to attend the training in Zanzibar," EACC said in part.

The County Assembly of Taita Taveta allegedly used fraudulent travel permission letters ostensibly issued by the Principal Secretary Ministry of Devolution to travel to Zanzibar.

EACC further showed that 25 of the 30 officers who were paid imprest to travel to Zanzibar traveled and spent five nights in Zanzibar and one night locally, rather than six nights in Zanzibar, resulting in a loss of Kshs. 1,033,288.00.


It was also determined that four officials did not travel and that one officer spent three nights in Zanzibar. EACC claims this resulted in a loss of Kshs. 1,182,263.00.

The EACC also revealed that officers delegated for the training were paid the full daily allowance while in Zanzibar for five nights, even though Bonfire Adventures, through WSPUK, had paid the same officers $132 per night to stay at the Marijani beach resort and spa hotel while attending the conference resulting in a loss of public funds of Kshs. 3,965,889.00.

EACC is now charging the two with, among other things, abuse of office contrary to section 46 as read with section 48 of the Anti-Corruption and Economic Crimes Act no. 3 of 2003.