Following an incident on Monday night in which two students from Yatya Primary School were killed by bandits in Saimo Soi ward, Baringo North sub-county, hundreds of families from the Yatya and Rormooch areas are escaping for their lives. 

 The area chief's siblings were among the students who perished. 


 The areas of Rondonin and Barbarchun near Kipsaraman, which are more than 20 kilometers from their homes, are now inhabited by the locals.

The impacted individuals, led by William Kibet and Richard Chepchomei, claim that they are afraid for their lives because there are armed bandits camped nearby. 


 They claim that the situation can now only be characterized as the ruthless murder of individuals of all ages rather than just banditry. 


 The militia above has been shooting at onlookers. 


 As a result of the intense tension, several local schools have closed.