According to a new report by the voter database Wisevoter Kenya has been ranked 5th in Africa and 52nd globally with the highest beer consumption of 12 litres per capita.

Top on the list is Namibia, which is number 6 globally with 95.5 liters per capita, followed by Gabon with 67 liters per capita, and South Africa with 60.1 liters per capita.

And the Democratic Republic of the Congo with 54.8 liters per capita, which are positions 25, 28, and 35, respectively.

Tanzania and Uganda follow Kenya at positions 6 and 7 in Africa, each with a consumption average of 8 and 6 liters per capita.

“Beer consumption is measured by volume and per capita. The former expresses the amount of beer a country drinks in liters, while the latter takes that number and divides it by the population to show the liters of beer consumed per person,” reads the report.