Mukurweini Member of Parliament John Kaguchia has proposed that circumcision should be made mandatory in Kenya to reduce infections that plague uncircumcised men.

Kaguchia says that circumcision should be treated from a health standpoint rather than a cultural one. He stated that the practice should be considered a public health risk, regardless of cultural beliefs.

PHOTO | COURTESY Mukurweini Member of Parliament John Kaguchia

"Over the years, we've had many deaths by our young buys because of going through traditional circumcision that sometimes goes bad," Kaguchia argued.

"We are looking at circumcision not from a cultural perspective but more from a health perspective. So, my proposal is we make circumcision a matter of public health concern."

Kaguchia further stated that those who believe in the cultural practice of circumcision should do so in a healthy manner, ideally by a medical practitioner. He advised individuals who did not regard the practice culturally to reconsider it as a public health imperative.

PHOTO | COURTESY Mukurweini Member of Parliament John Kaguchia

"If you culturally believe in circumcision, then you must do it in a healthy manner done by a medical practitioner. We've seen many young boys die through that," he said.

"If you don't practise circumcision as a matter of not believing in it as a culture, then you do it in a hospital as a public health requirement."

While highlighting the advantages of universal and enforced circumcision, Kaguchia stated that boys who were not circumcised were more susceptible to infections.

"Boys who are not circumcised are more prone to infections, particularly HIV infections... I brought this (idea) because we had a lot of deaths last year."

The legislator acknowledged the topic's national sensitivity, stating that officials on both sides of the debate purposely avoid discussing it for fear of political repercussions.