Residents of Bomet County were not shy about showing their dissatisfaction with their Governor, Hillary Barchok, during President Rutos's visit to Bomet County.

The trouble began when President Ruto gave Governor Barchok a chance to address the gathering, but the citizens refused and shouted at the county boss 

PHOTO | COURTESY President Ruto

President Ruto intervened, attempting to calm the angry locals who continued to shout. He told them to be patient and use their power on the ballot in the next election to hold non-performing authorities accountable.

“Mimi nataka niwaambie hivi…kulete mambo hii kwa mkutano mimi staki…nyinyi ndio mnapanga MCA, MP, Senator, ata huyu Governor...Nataka mtulie na mkuwe watu wa kusoma barua ikiwa ndani ya bahasha,” he said.

PHOTO | COURTESY President Ruto

“Kama kuna mtu ambaye hajafanya kazi, mngojeeni siku ya uchaguzi mtamalizana na yeye. Lakini kwa sasa, tuko na mkutano, wacheni aongee.”The event occurred just a day after Kericho citizens booed Governor Dr. Erick Mutai.

President Ruto was obliged to intercede, calling for tolerance so that the Governor could address the crowd.