There has been a death in the Konoin area of Bomet County involving a 56-year-old female. 

 David Kandie, the chief of Konoin Sub-County Police, claims that the woman was killed instantly when powerful winds uprooted a bluegum tree and fell on her. 

She unfortunately died from the impact of the falling tree and could not be saved.

According to the police chief, multiple trees fell during the intense storm, preventing vehicles from accessing various areas and causing power outages. 

He cautioned locals to refrain from using the flooded bridges and pathways, especially those that cross the Itare River. 

The body of the deceased was taken to the mortuary at Kapkatet Hospital. 

Furthermore, two people in Bomet have lost their lives while attempting to cross swollen pathways as a result of the recent heavy rains. 

In one case, a middle-aged man's body from drowning in the Chepkulo River two days ago is still missing.