Kabando Wa Kabando has criticized senators for their actions during the questioning of Agriculture CS Mithika Linturi, where they were observed examining fake fertilizer. In a circulating video, the senators gathered around a fertilizer sack, sniffing its contents to determine its authenticity.

This incident has left Kenyans puzzled, as it is not feasible to assess fertilizer by scent alone. Kabando has questioned how senators could stoop to such a level of incompetence, especially when agencies like KEBS are available to conduct thorough scientific testing of fertilizers. He suggested that the senators' actions were driven by greed, preventing them from exercising critical thinking skills.

"Greed makes fools of the intelligent. Ongoing comedy @Senate_KE is a real shame. How, on earth, can honourable senators reduce themselves to 'fake fertiliser sniffers' when we've an agency - @KEBS_ke - obligated with scientific tools & authority to authenticate standards?" Kabando posed.

The incident has drawn further criticism from Kenyans, who are holding the senators accountable for their lack of competence. Regarding this Senate incident, it is evident that public scrutiny reflects disappointment and frustration with the senators' actions.