Residents of Aloo estate in Oyugis town, Homa Bay County, are still coming to terms with the death of a primary school head teacher whose body was found in a borehole.

Richard Otieno Kobe, head teacher of Raganga Primary School, was found dead on Sunday morning after missing for five days.

PHOTO | COURTESY police car

According to his younger brother Gilbert Kobe, Richard's body was discovered in the well by his child, who had gone to get water.

Gilbert said Richard went missing on Tuesday night. He went home without his phone and never informed anybody where he was going; his family expected him to return, but he never did.

The next day, the family began looking for him and reported him to the police before going to the Lida commercial area in the adjacent Rachuonyo North Sub-County to hunt for him after some individuals said they had seen someone who looked like him.

PHOTO | COURTESY police line

But they didn't see him until Sunday morning when they received word from home that his body had been discovered in the water well. They contacted the police, who removed the body from the scene.

Rachuonyo South Sub-County Police Commander Lilies Wachira stated that investigations had already begun.

The body was sent to Rachuonyo South Sub-County Hospital's mortuary for an autopsy examination.