Major General John Mugaravai Omenda has been promoted to the rank of Lieutenant General and appointed as the Vice Chief of the Defence Forces (VCDF). Previously serving as the Kenya Air Force Commander, his extensive experience and expertise contribute significantly to his new role.

Brigadier J Omenda joined the Kenya Defence Forces, specifically the Kenya Air Force, in February 1987. He is highly skilled as an F5 fighter pilot and holds qualifications as a flying instructor.

For the past 23 years, the succession process at the top of Kenya's military hierarchy has been primarily influenced by the esteemed Tonje Rules and the Kenya Defence Forces Act, which mandates that the leadership of the KDF must represent the diversity of Kenya.

He will serve as the deputy to Lieutenant General Charles Muriu Kahariri, who has been elevated to the rank of General and appointed as the Chief of Defence Forces (CDF).

He has served in diverse roles, including Officer Commanding the fighter squadron, Commanding Officer of the Fighter Wing, and Base Commander of Laikipia Air Base, before assuming the position of Deputy Kenya Air Force Commander. He is married and has four children.

The Tonje Rules were formulated by a former Chief of General Staff (CGS), now renamed Chief of Defence Forces (CDF), during his tenure leading Kenya's military. According to these rules, the position of the CDF rotates among the three branches of the military.

"Until his appointment, Lieutenant General John Mugaravai Omenda was the Kenya Air Force Commander," KDF said in an official statement.

Ogolla's unexpected passing while on official duty in the banditry-plagued North Rift region stunned the nation, as he was the first head of Kenya's military to pass away while in office. His absence has created a void in the CDF succession framework that was previously unprecedented.