Residents of Kapletundo district in Bomet county are mourning the death of three people who drowned in a well.

Sotik sub-county police chief Muturi Mbogo said the event occurred when a 13-year-old boy ordered to fetch water from the well lost the can he was using to draw water from the hole. He attempted to chase it but was swamped and perished.

PHOTO | COURTESY police line

Witnesses said one of the neighbors, a 45-year-old guy who observed him heading to the borehole area, feared something was wrong after he couldn't find the boy. He is said to have heard a frantic yell inside and went to try to save him, but he drowned as well.

The police report also indicated that a third victim, a 24-year-old boda boda rider who was the first to observe the two incidences, attempted to rescue them but became caught within the well and perished.

PHOTO | COURTESY police car

Members of the public sounded the alarm and used a ladder to rescue all three bodies.

Police assessed the area and sent all of the remains to the Kaplong Mission Hospital mortuary.