A 40-year-old bodaboda rider has been arrested in Kitengela for allegedly holding hostage a 16-year-old form two student.

The student was rescued after a sting operation in the community by Kitengela police officers after being missing for four days.
PHOTO | COURTESY police car

“The girl was found locked up inside the rider’s house. It has been a difficult moment for the family since Wednesday when she failed to return home,” a family member told Wananchi Reporting but declined to be named to protect the minor's identity.

Police claimed the guy would lock the child inside the house, leave for work, and return later in the evening.

The youngster was reported missing on Wednesday last week after leaving to see a cobbler to have her shoes repaired in preparation for returning to school on Monday.

Police claimed the child had boarded the suspect's motorbike the day before, on Tuesday, to go to a cobbler to get her school shoes repaired.

PHOTO | COURTESY Man in cuffs

“The rider took her to a cobbler who happened to have a lot of work, and so asked her to come pick her shoes the next day on Wednesday,” said a family member.

Police claimed the guy would bring food and drinks home and allegedly compel the girl to drink after feeding him.

The teenager was found and saved when she got her cell phone. She swiftly took photographs of the surroundings and texted them to her mother's phone.

The photographs were eventually used by the police to coordinate a successful rescue effort in the region.

The teen was sent to the hospital for examination and treatment.