In a startling revelation, Pastor Ezekiel Odero, the founder of New Life Prayer Center and Church, disclosed during a sermon that he had received a divine vision foreseeing the demise of a prominent Kenyan politician. According to the pastor, this vision had occurred not just once, but twice, with details revealed to him about the circumstances surrounding the politician's death.

Pastor Odero asserted that the politician in question is someone he is personally acquainted with, possessing their contact details. Despite his efforts to reach out, he lamented his inability to directly convey the warning due to the individual's lack of responsiveness to his calls.

"I know him and have his number, but I can't tell him because he won't pick up my call," the pastor said. "When I went to Kitale, I was told again that the same person would die and shown how it would happen. Only two peopknow the story. If I mention him, the story will make headlines."

In a separate video, Pastor Odero elaborated on the nature of the politician's predicted fate, stating that they would be "beaten to death" in an incident that would "shock Kenya a lot." However, he reiterated that he was unable to warn the politician directly.

The pastor's assertions have ignited controversy and prompted doubts regarding the authenticity of his vision. While some have questioned the pastor's intentions, others have urged him to disclose the identity of the politician to ensure necessary precautions are taken.