Two months after fleeing to safety, parents and students from 20 Baringo North schools that were closed indefinitely due to banditry attacks have not returned to their homes. 

Bandits destroyed the administration block, and some of the school offices at Ngarutuko Primary; solar panels, books, and other stationery were also taken.  

Students had yet to show up for class, according to head teacher Charles Tarus, because parents had yet to return home after fleeing banditry attacks. The school is practically closed and won't be reopening anytime soon.

No student at Kosile Primary reported. The center is still empty, and the buildings are falling apart. On Monday, a few teachers reported, and security guards were cruising the campus. This was the state of affairs in other schools targeted by banditry.

According to Baringo North OCPD Fredrick Odinga, six newly formed units have been established close to the impacted villages and schools. 

He added that while they try to persuade people to return to their homes, security is transporting them in lorries. During a status visit on Monday, some of the red zones were passable, suggesting that things are gradually getting back to normal in the affected areas. 

In other news, heavy floods in Baringo prevented more than five schools from opening for the second term, making the facilities unusable for parents and students. This is even though displaced people are still camped out in schools all over Baringo South.

Among the schools that still need to reopen are Longeiwan Primary School, Leswa Primary School, Loropil Primary School, Loitip Primary School, and Sintaan Primary School.

A large portion of Sintaan Primary School remains underwater as a result of the rains that have caused havoc in the area for the past week. This illustrates the devastating effects of floods in the area.

The school remains inaccessible to students due to flooding in both the school gate and a portion of the field. Huge fissures are also visible in some of the classroom walls. 

Loitip Primary School houses displaced victims from Longeiwan village and other affected areas, while Longeiwan and Leswa Primary Schools are closed due to flooding.

Another parent, Moffat Lekimet, bemoaned the fact that Ng'ambo Primary and Ng'ambo Secondary were entirely flooded because Lake Baringo had overflowed its banks.