Former Mombasa Senator Hassan Omar Hassan recently completed the construction of a 10-bedroom house for the family of his late friend and ally, Salim Abdalla Kuuza, who passed away in 2023 due to cancer. The house, which cost approximately Ksh 6 million, was handed over to Kuuza's family over the weekend. This act of kindness highlights a friendship that transcended political affiliations.

Omar Hassan revealed that his decision to build the house was inspired by heartfelt conversations with Kuuza before his passing. These discussions covered various personal matters, including Kuuza's desire to provide a home for his family. Despite Kuuza's initial skepticism about politicians' promises, Hassan prioritized fulfilling his friend's last wish. He garnered support from close associates to ensure the completion of the project. Kuuza, who ran for the MCA position in the 2022 elections under the UDA ticket, left a legacy of dedication to his community.

The newly constructed house was handed over to Kuuza's family members by Hassan Joho. Hassan Omar, who had enjoyed a long and close friendship with Salim Abdalla, expressed his deep sorrow over his friend's death in 2023. Kuuza, who campaigned alongside Omar and contested for the Mombasa County Assembly seat in the 2022 general elections, was a member of the United Democratic Alliance party.

Omar successfully completed the construction project within a year by mobilizing resources from friends and family. The new house will provide accommodation for all members of Kuuza's family, who expressed their gratitude for Omar's generosity and continued support since Salim Abdalla's untimely death.

Hassan Omar, who served as Mombasa's senator from 2013 to 2017 and unsuccessfully ran for Mombasa governor in the 2017 and 2022 general elections, is a close ally of President William Ruto. The veteran leader has vowed to continue supporting the family of his deceased friend and has encouraged them to reach out to him with any challenges they may face. Omar remains committed to assisting them.