The saga surrounding former journalist Kimani Mbugua's mental health challenges entered a new phase when his purported ex-girlfriend spoke out after being accused of drugging his drinks.

Recently, Kimani's father revealed distressing information about his son's ordeal, asserting that Kimani's troubles began following an incident where his drink was allegedly spiked at a party.

As per Kimani's father, the distressing incident came to light thanks to his daughter's discovery.

“My daughter took his phone, went through it, and saw photos and videos of him at the party drinking, vomiting, and falling while girls were beating him up. Before that, my daughter told me she had seen a white substance in his glass,” he recounted.

This revelation led to a backlash against Kimani’s friends, who were blamed for not protecting him. Social media influencer Mollage, reportedly close to Kimani during his career peak, addressed the accusations indirectly.

On May 18, Mollage took to her X account, writing, “Everyone involved in this will pay dearly, I assure you. As for my friends and lovers, thank you for checking up on me. I am doing well and with the people that matter. I’m alright.”

While Mollage didn't directly address Kimani's situation, her followers interpreted her message as a response to the ongoing accusations, and they showed their support in the comments.

The accusations also delved into Kimani's previous relationship difficulties.

On February 4, 2020, Kimani shared with a local media outlet his story about his then-fiancée, Michelle Njeri.

He recounted proposing to Michelle at her workplace despite her being unwell, and they were in the process of planning a wedding scheduled for later that year.

However, by 2022, their relationship had come to an end, purportedly due to Kimani's declining mental health.

Kimani admitted that Michelle left him because she could no longer cope with his condition. “My relationship with my ex-fiancée ended and I was devastated. I was invested in the relationship although I had done so many things wrong. I had caused her so much pain, and, understandably, she couldn’t take it anymore. So she ended the relationship,” he confessed.