Two Kenyans have gone to court to stop the transition from the National Health Insurance Fund (NHIF) to the Social Health Authority (SHA), awaiting a hearing and decision.

Gwaragwara Nkosi and Khadija Ali, NHIF workers, seek an injunction prohibiting the transition committee or its agents from presenting their report to the president, Ministry of Health, SHA, and NHIF board.


They contend that salary increases have resulted in inequities, with management workers receiving less than their supervisees.

They are requesting the court to impose an order stating that by boosting the remuneration of unionized NHIF employees without raising that of management, the defendants have breached

Similarly, they want the court to order SRC to reconsider their salaries, citing a blatant breach of public sector wage and benefits policy rules.

They contend that the Social Health Insurance Act allows for absorption into SHA and deployment into public service. Salary disparities will affect everyone, even retirement as a last resort.


They argue that the respondents failed to treat the affected petitioners with decency and respect.

The two believe management employees face discrimination in savings pensions since their union colleagues save more, a clear breach of fair labor standards.