President William Ruto has secured Kes 477 billion in funding from the United States to construct the 440-kilometer Nairobi-Mombasa Expressway.

The Nairobi-Mombasa Expressway project will connect the capital city of Nairobi to the port city of Mombasa.

This is after Kenya and Everstrong Capital LLC signed an agreement with the Kenya National Highways Authority (KENHA) on Thursday during President Ruto’s state visit to the US.

After signing the agreement, Ruto said the project will be spearheaded by American Development Finance Institutions, with significant contributions from Kenyan private sector investors and pension funds.

“The Usahihi Expressway sets a standard for transparent, sustainable, and community-centered development, fostering economic growth and environmental protection, and serving as a global inspiration for ethical development.”

He said the 4-6 lane dual carriageway is a milestone for Kenya, assuring its safety as a safe, efficient, climate-sensitive road that will create a wealth corridor between Kenya’s two largest cities.

Once completed, the Usahihi Expressway will be the largest toll road project on the African continent.

The construction will take three to four years and will be self-financed through toll revenue.

“It embodies a commitment to transparency, hard work, and the empowerment of Kenyan citizens by engaging them as users, owners, and investors. This creates a cycle of localized benefits and ensures that communities directly reap the rewards of their investment and participation.”