President William Ruto has officially declared muguka and miraa legal, despite the ban imposed on their sale in the Coastal region. Ruto emphasized the significance of muguka farming, citing its recognition as a legal crop under national laws. His statements address the conflicting regulations issued by various county governments regarding muguka farming.

President Ruto unequivocally asserted that any regulations enacted by county governments which contradict national farming laws, particularly concerning muguka, are null and void. This declaration indicates that county laws conflicting with national regulations regarding muguka hold no validity.

PHOTO | COURTESY President Ruto holding a bunch of miraa

Additionally, President Ruto announced a big amount of money, 500 million Kenyan shillings, to help the growth of muguka and miraa farming. This financial support is meant to help farmers and businesses involved in growing, processing, and selling muguka and miraa.

The president's support for muguka farming recognizes its importance for many communities as a source of income. Many small farmers depend on growing muguka to make a living and support their families.

However, there have been problems at the county level, with some counties putting restrictions or even bans on muguka farming and selling. This has caused worries among farmers and others about how it will affect their incomes and the local economy.

President Ruto's move aims to address these issues by calling for consistent rules across the country and providing financial help to support muguka and miraa farming. This financial aid will help farmers and businesses in areas where muguka is grown to continue their work and contribute to the economy.

Looking ahead, it's important for both national and county governments to work together to make sure rules about muguka farming are fair and consistent. By working together, policymakers and farmers can find ways to support responsible farming, make sure farmers can sell their products, and improve the lives of communities that rely on muguka farming.

President Ruto's support for muguka farming and his pledge of financial support show the government's commitment to helping agricultural communities and promoting sustainable development. As efforts to strengthen muguka and miraa farming continue, cooperation between all involved parties is essential to ensure the success and well-being of these industries and the people who depend on them.